Baltimore Oriole at Goldsmith - Brookings County
The Oriole was the first one we have seen at the lake this year. Great assortment of swallows along the shore, Eastern King Birds, and a Flicker here and there. I hear the Great Crested Fly Catcher but haven't seen them for a few days. Still lots of waders in the fields but we have not seen the Belted Kingfisher for about a week. Blue Winded Teal, Mallards and Common Mergansers are nesting. Nice view of a Marbled Godwit yesterday in the pasture just north of Volga-he didn't care much for the dog in his area. Lots of House Finch, American Gold Finch, and yellow warblers in the tree belts and the ever present Song Sparrows and Clay Sparrows along the gravel roads and we hear the Brown Thrashers but it is hard to get the glasses on them.
Canada Geese have their gosling on ponds every morning now.
Canada Geese have their gosling on ponds every morning now.
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